Container Gardens: Do’s And Dont’s

Having an authentic backyard is a goal that many Aussies strive to achieve. This is because they tend to spend a lot of their time outdoors and want to create a personable space. In order to give a yard a special flare, many people choose to decorate it with garden pots filled with gorgeous flowers and plants.

garden pots melbourne

Instead of dedicating a piece of their backyard to a conventional garden, people have taken a liking to container gardens. Container gardens are becoming more and more popular in Melbourne, as they help utilise space and promote elegance. However, when buying garden pots in Melbourne, it is easy to purchase the wrong type of containers. To refrain from doing so, follow these simple guidelines.

Get Garden Containers That Promote Drainage

garden pots melbourne

In order for plants to remain healthy and vivacious, it is highly important to choose garden pots that promote drainage. Should a plant be placed into a container that offers little to no drainage, it can begin to rot or create a foul odour. When buying garden pots Melbourne, make sure that they are equipped with drain holes, as this will create a sustainable environment.

Consider Porosity and Size

It is very easy to want to purchase non-porous materials such as glazed terra-cotta, stone, or metal when shopping for garden pots. While these containers might look beautiful, they aren’t always ideal for planting. This is because they are non-porous and do not create a breathable space for plants to thrive in.

garden pots melbourne

Choosing a garden container that has porous qualities is going to be beneficial in the long run, as it will allow moisture and oxygen to access the plants’ roots, instead of suffocating them like non-porous materials do. Also, keep in mind that size of the garden pot is going to be dependant on the size of the plants’ roots, and so choose accordingly.

Refrain From Clustering

Choosing different types of garden pots can make a container garden look unique, however, it is important to make sure that they are going to look appropriate when placed next to each other. To refrain from mismatching, choose containers that complement each other. In order to design a container garden in good taste, do not cluster too many containers into one section, and disperse them instead, as this will stop a backyard from looking unorganised and cumbersome.

garden pots melbourne

Opting for a container garden instead of a traditional one is a great way to save on space and create a charming outdoor experience. If having greenery present in a backyard is a must, but space and flexibility are an issue, implementing a container garden is going to be the ultimate solution.